Cafe Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoCafe Puerto Rico



🕗 åbningstider

208, Calle O'Donnell, 00901, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-724-2281
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4660772, Longitude: -66.1124309

kommentar 5

  • Steven Feffer

    Steven Feffer


    The grilled mahi mahi was enormous and just as delicious. Very friendly staff, great ambiance. AC pumping out cold air and ice cold beer. 10/10 would go again

  • en

    Donny Russell


    Had lunch here based on locals recommendations. The food was excellent and the service was very helpful and friendly. They weren't in much of a hurry, but neither were we so it worked out.

  • Mike Trombley

    Mike Trombley


    It's a great spot to stop and grab some coffee and a pastry. The espresso is excellent. The place a true PR gem.

  • Kyle Stewart

    Kyle Stewart


    Wonderful place to stop and grab a drink or quick bite while shopping in Old San Juan. Textbook definition of what a "cafe" should look and feel like. Food was authentic and tasty, drinks were made with fresh fruit. We didn't stay long but easily could have.

  • en

    Paul Bruno


    Wonderful small establishment that specializes in authentic Island cuisine. Recommended by locals. Our dining experience was enhanced by a classical guitar musician that performed throughout the evening. Seek this venue out!

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