Café Poético i San Juan

Puerto RicoCafé Poético



🕗 åbningstider

203, Calle De La Cruz, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-5020
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Latitude: 18.4651642, Longitude: -66.1161384

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eva Tormos


    Very nice environmental, clean, great customer service and good coffee

  • Orlando Marty

    Orlando Marty


    Expensive, bad coffee and slow service. Save your money and have your morning/afternoon coffee at Cuatro Sombras, way better.

  • Courtney VandeMerwe

    Courtney VandeMerwe


    The coffee was good- very pricey. Make sure to specify if you would like your milk creamed or. It when ordering black coffee. The atmosphere is pretty neat and unique- although I would have loved to see more poem artwork in Spanish instead of English!

  • Manuel Arbol

    Manuel Arbol


    Lugar bonito con un café decente

  • Ramón Olivencia

    Ramón Olivencia


    Uno de los lugares mágicos del Viejo San Juan. He visto el proyecto crecer por gente local desde el principio y no me imagino a esta comunidad sin un sitio tan especial. Menú liviano, baños limpios y wifi (es mejor al frente). Si estás por ahí los martes en la noche no te pierdas el "micrófono abierto" junto con el Poet´s Passage al lado. / One of the magical places of Old San Juan. I have seen the project grow by locals since the beginning and cannot imagine this community without such a special place. Light menu, clean bathrooms and wifi (better up front). If you're out there on a Tuesday night do not miss the "open mic" along with the Poet´s Passage next door.

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