Hacienda Isabel i San Juan

Puerto RicoHacienda Isabel



🕗 åbningstider

201, Calle del Sol, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
internet side: www.isabelcoffee.com
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Latitude: 18.4668729, Longitude: -66.1165179

kommentar 5

  • Gus Baldor

    Gus Baldor


    great place and peaceful atmosphere, wonderful service, must visit!!

  • Karmen Rosario

    Karmen Rosario


    Excellent!!!!!! My Brunch was fantastic. Everyting was soo well cooked. And I even had to ask for another cappuccino because it tastes so good!!!! Definitely coming again. It's a comfortable place to be.

  • Ask Sumu Sathi

    Ask Sumu Sathi


    A very homely & cozy environment. The staff were very accommodating and even made me a pizza that was not on the menu. I needed a quiet place to sit & be creative and this was it.

  • Chika S

    Chika S


    The worst and most expensive cappuccino I had in PR. The milk tasted unfresh and coffee was sour. They don't have a menu. Order a cappuccino and you get a surprise bill of $5. Would never go back. There are so many excellent coffee shops in old San Juan (went to 5 others), so I suggest go elsewhere not here.

  • Robert Mc Donald

    Robert Mc Donald


    You need to come here if you like coffee or breakfast. The store is adorable, the coffee is the best I've had on the island, and the French toast is amazing. Just come.

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