Centro de Servicio Honda de San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoCentro de Servicio Honda de San Juan



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Calle Bechara, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-620-7480
internet side: hondadesanjuan.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4247721, Longitude: -66.0941184

kommentar 5

  • Minerva Roman

    Minerva Roman


    As long as you make an appt you will be out soon.

  • Joaquin Pabon

    Joaquin Pabon


    Very organized and clean. Accessible and tranquil place. If your Oil Change, be careful they always bring you other services that could be expensive.

  • en

    Kristina Castillo


    Total Rip Off. I took my Honda Fit 2015 to over 6 local PR mechanics and when I went to Honda they gave me the same diagnostic, but charged me $90.00 vs. $0.00 that the local mechanics charged. I even told the clerk whom attended me (JOEL SIERRA BURGOS) that I had evidence of what the diagnostic would read in the scanners (Fail in 3rd injector) and literally the estimate said the same thing. Ridiculous and WASTE of TIME & MONEY. I also explained that one of the mechanics told me that the computer programming needed to have a reset (that only Honda dealers have the ability to due) because the battery at one point was disconnected during one of trouble shootings. I verified the diagnostic and they never mentioned any problems. To conclude, they gave me an estimate of $1050.00 to replace all the injectors, which I am almost positive it still wont solve the problem, but will keep this review updated for all those Honda Fit owners out there which are dealing with the same situation.

  • Juan Jaime

    Juan Jaime


    They rip you off and are dishonest. I recently shipped my Accord from the USA and have always done my maintenance at dealerships. I went for a routine oil change and requested high mileage oil. The guy said standard is synthetic but I explained I'm over 100k and I believe the car is burning oil. He sail ok wrote chicken scratch on a piece of paper and $57. Then he told me he's giving me 20% off for being a new client. Wrote another illegible line and $45. I assumed that was my final price. Nope I had to pay $110. When I complained I was told that I'm wrong and they don't have any 20% to offer to anyone and that it was my mistake that I misunderstood. They also put synthetic instead of the high mileage I requested. I will not return here again.

  • Peter Smith

    Peter Smith


    I'd love to tell you about this place I could sit here all day I keep talking and talking and talking about the great outstanding service that I received since I have been going there. Please be advised that the employees are there to serve you and it shows in the way they deal with you did English or Spanish or Spanish and English.

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