Centro Porsche San Juan - Garage Europa / Gómez Hermanos Kennedy, LLC. i San Juan

Puerto RicoCentro Porsche San Juan - Garage Europa / Gómez Hermanos Kennedy, LLC.



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Blay, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-993-3474
internet side: www.porschecenterpr.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.420298, Longitude: -66.0968225

kommentar 5

  • Fernando Pacheco

    Fernando Pacheco


    Love the places

  • marineyacht



    Great dealership

  • Derek Silva

    Derek Silva


    Recently considered buying a Porche. Unfortunately, customer service is not up to par for such a high end car. The salesman was very courteous, but general management is exclusively interested in making money, and not in good customer relationships or making fair deals. If you want to buy a Porsche just for the brand name, then go ahead. If however customer service and being treated fairly is essential to you, you might want to look elsewhere.

  • Justo Hernandez

    Justo Hernandez


    Bought this car for double what it cost in the states, for my wife. Once I left the dealer there was no contact ever with the salesman. If he ever answers is on messages. Too important to respond to a call by a customer that is paying, for a car he sold. Service area does not know how to answer a phone, or return messages. Apparently this is the same for their shuttle service folks. They insist on sending emails, but don’t answer them. The car is great, the sales team, once the car is sold they are done with you and the service area is manned by folks that can’t use phones. Unfortunately, I am doomed to service the car here as it is the “dealer”😟if there is anyone who knows who can service this car without voiding the warranty on PR let me know!




    4 days to change a recalled catalytic converter. Typical man hours to change this part is 3 hours. Not to mention the faulty not replaced transfer case. Buy a Volvo. You would be better off...

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