Cristbal Color Studio i San Juan

Puerto RicoCristbal Color Studio



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954, Avenida Juan Ponce de León, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-567-2747
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Latitude: 18.4537233, Longitude: -66.0801565

kommentar 3

  • en

    Shannon Metzger


    I was so disappointed with my last visit to this salon. I arrived 10min before appointment, and then had to wait 45min to be seen. No one appologized for the inconvenience or said anything to me while I waited. I went in for highlights, cut, and blow out, and it cost over $200 not including tip. Cristobal only put in a small amount of highlights, and you could barely see them. After my hair was dryed, he said that he could put in more next time. For $100, I would expect to notice a difference, but I did not. None of my friends noticed either. Even after I told them, they said that there was really no change. I have naturally curly hair, and Cristobal was aware of this. I went in with my hair in its natural state, and I also said that I don't like to blow dry. He gave me a long bob which looks absolutely terrible when my hair is curly. It is puffy at the bottom and flat on top, so now I have to blow dry everyday. I also said that I need to put it in a pony tail for work, but it is too short. I have to use a bunch of bobby pins to keep my hair up. Such an inconvenience! I think part of the problem was that Cristobal was distracted complaining about another customer who was a friend of his. She left because she would have to wait because they were so backed up. I will not be going back.

  • Nicole Rivera

    Nicole Rivera


    Lugar muy bonito, buen servicio.

  • en

    Vivian Rabassa


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