Manzana Studio i San Juan

Puerto RicoManzana Studio



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670, Puerto Rico 25, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-200-0046
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4553144, Longitude: -66.0841415

kommentar 5

  • Vanessa Batista

    Vanessa Batista


    I went very excited as a Bday gift to and from myself. HORRIBLE! The lady who did my nails, I guess she was very tired or did not wanted to be there. She was quick doing the nails, she did them “all right” even tho I asked for a design and she ignored that part or did not hear me. 2 days after, two nails were chipped in a very ugly way. Now after two weeks I removed the gel (went to another place because I did not like Manzana) and the nails were left very fragile and the other nail tech told me so. I ended not having my nails done because they would not stand it since they were very brittle and it has never happened to this magnitude. So very bad service from the nail tech, overall 2/10 would not recommend to anyone. beside the prices are pretty high for the simplicity ($40 for single color gel manicure is not competitive when it’s not a good service lol).

  • samina karim

    samina karim


    Very expensive, I was charged $80 for a hair trim and blowdry and it took a complete 34minutes to wash, cut and blow dry.

  • Marina Dawson

    Marina Dawson


    I had my nails done here for the first and last time. I had acrylics done and every single finger is so inconsistent. I have different lengths, shapes, and thickness to every finger.

  • Gladymar Rivera

    Gladymar Rivera


    A true pampering experience. I went for a Deep Pore Cleansing Facial and Shari (hope I wrote it right) and it was, to say the least, amazing. I can say I transcended when it was all done lol but truly, I will definitely go back to check out the rest of the services.

  • Lau Beltrán

    Lau Beltrán


    Loved that they gave me my nail kit to bring back for future occasions. The staff was really nice and they just did a wonderful job! 💅🏼

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