Department of Consumer Affairs (Spanish: Departmento Asuntos del Consumidor) i San Juan

Puerto RicoDepartment of Consumer Affairs (Spanish: Departmento Asuntos del Consumidor)



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Avenida José de Diego Pda. 22, Centro Gubernamental Minillas, Edificio Torre Norte, Piso 8, San Juan, 00912, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-7555
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4497477, Longitude: -66.0669129

kommentar 5

  • Jose Rojas

    Jose Rojas


    I can not believe how this aguencia that is for you defend the consumers is supporting the abuse of the Dentists I think that it is an abuse or that aguencia does not know what it was put for if it does not work they must saw it

  • Edward Hz

    Edward Hz


    waldorf tower cocdominio without protocol for the use of the communal pool. es to es en isla verde

  • Felipe A. Vilches

    Felipe A. Vilches


    It is true that this agency is useless.

  • Iris Rivera

    Iris Rivera


    I've been trying to get in touch with anyone at this office since Monday to report someone who's been scamming people regularly. I select options 1, 2, 1 for the San Juan Regional office and it keeps saying my call "didn't go through, please try again later". I then tried option 1, 5, 3 for the Secretary's office and it literally rings for minutes with no one picking up & no voicemail. If the government wants to save money, shut this place down. It's useless when consumers can't get in touch with them at all.

  • Enchanted Homes Realty

    Enchanted Homes Realty


    Spent the entire day! Slow! Hour and a half lunch break.

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