San Juan Passport Agency i San Juan

Puerto RicoSan Juan Passport Agency



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Avenida de Diego, 00912, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 877-487-2778
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4496663, Longitude: -66.0670756

kommentar 5

  • Keishla Maldonado

    Keishla Maldonado


  • flakiro bello

    flakiro bello


  • es

    Ignacio Monsalve


    Un desastre de servicio. Una ventanilla atendiendo y el resto cerradas. Tener cita o no es indiferente.

  • David Risetter

    David Risetter


    Excellent staff and superior service. I did not expect this type of service at a government office. We were on a trip to the BVI and found out my wife's passport had expired and needed expedited renewal. Their office was open on a Saturday which allowed us to travel from Chicago to Puerto Rico (renew passport) and then continue on our trip the same day to the BVI. I want to thank the entire staff for going above and beyond expectations.

  • n john

    n john


    Staff was the friendliest ever.loved them from the security staff to all. everyone was great....

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