Deshow i San Juan

Puerto RicoDeshow



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Gobernador Piñero, San Juan, 00920, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-706-6102
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4137563, Longitude: -66.0978625

kommentar 5

  • El glock .45

    El glock .45


    No hablan claro te engañan hasta los abogados y para conseguir a un empleado por teléfono bien difícil,amables cuando estás allí pero tramposos mala experiencia

  • en

    Yaya Bonita


    If I could give less stars I would. This business needs to be SHUT DOWN and CLOSED FOREVER. Esdras was my realtor and boldly LIED directly to me to check my credit for a property I did not want. It lowered my score 33 points for absolutely nothing. You will be disappointed from working with this company. I want no one else to be a victim, please save yourself the trouble and continue looking for other realtors. I am a hurricane Maria survivor and Esdras realty unlawfully checking my credit is the last thing I should be going through.I wasn't able to contact a supervisor, but I will include the representative below, if you see this woman, remember she will not be honest with you as she was not honest with mine.

  • es

    Roger Montero



  • NoNorma Serrano

    NoNorma Serrano


    House's 🏠

  • en

    Bl Jones


    HORRIBLE . These people are the most unprofessional not to mention liars. Be very careful with this bunch. Best to find a reputable law firm to purchase property on island of Puerto Rico. Integrity, honesty and professional courtesy are hard to find there.

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