Keller Williams Grand Homes i San Juan

Puerto RicoKeller Williams Grand Homes



🕗 åbningstider

612, Calle Aldebarran, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-706-8406
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3973564, Longitude: -66.1043566

kommentar 5

  • Joshua Ortiz

    Joshua Ortiz


    In my opinion worst Real estate agent in PR Ivy Escribano Lic. C-20250. Senseless, nothing good to say about her poor professionalism and lack of customer service. If you're selling a home or apartment this is a selfish person not looking up for your interest. If you want to be disappointed she is the one.

  • nelopr24 Nelo

    nelopr24 Nelo


    Called, emailed texted and no reply. 3 days laters got a hold of a realtor and she said she would. call me the next day, no call was made and did not respond to calls or texts. Must be setting up sales for people they know.

  • Carmen Livoti

    Carmen Livoti


    Lisette Silva was very professional and courteous. Always followed-up and kept me informed.

  • Lili Fdz

    Lili Fdz


    Sad to say. While a very pleasant rep took my phone call....follow up was nil. Will never attempt to use their service again.

  • chaplainjose



    In the process of buying a house in Mameyal PR. So far things been moving right along; communication with agent, Carmen Anderson, has been great. I’m pleased.

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