D'Flor Flowers Boutique i San Juan

Puerto RicoD'Flor Flowers Boutique



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State Route 8177, 00921, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-783-1989
internet side: www.puertoricolocalflorist.com
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Latitude: 18.379573, Longitude: -66.100233

kommentar 5

  • Erik Rivera

    Erik Rivera


    Ordered online, received a confirmation number and they never delivered for Valentine's Day. Incompetent and non-responsive company. I highly recommend you take your business to another flower shop.

  • Marisara Melendez

    Marisara Melendez


    Amazing Customer service. I was unhappy with my flowers they addressed it, explained rose colored roses and eucalyptus. And, then sent a beautiful arrangement colorful, young and fresh. I am very happy with this place and their care for customer. Will use them in the future. Subpar. My partner sent flowers from Europe and they got the order. The roses were not pretty. (Already completely opened and had lost youth and color) The greens were wilted and badly arranged. The young woman who I called to complain was very respectful and nice. I have no idea if there is something they can do about this. But, for now I would discourage people from using this flower shop

  • Scott Stone

    Scott Stone


    Perfect service, Wonderful flowers memorable moment thank all of you. Not knowing it was Secretary's Day they took my order and completed it perfectly. The most beautiful arrangement anybody has ever seen

  • Edwin Giovanni De Jesús

    Edwin Giovanni De Jesús


    This place blew me away. I made an order two days before Valentine's day and - despite the high volume of calls and orders they were getting - my girlfriend just got the flower arrangement! And super on time! If you need a present for that special someone in your life, this place is an excellent option to go with. (Thanks so much!)

  • Nataly Montes

    Nataly Montes


    The service is excellent!! I had to change the delivery address last minute and they were very nice and the flowers were delivered quickly even with the change. Very pleased and the flower arrangement was beautiful!!

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