French Tulip i San Juan

Puerto RicoFrench Tulip



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1166, Avenida Jesús T. Piñero, 00921, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-200-6760
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4047171, Longitude: -66.0822977

kommentar 5

  • SG



    $18 delivery fee with no guarantee you'll get the arrangement shown in the picture.

  • Omar Aponte

    Omar Aponte


    Excellent flower arrangements with outstanding service and price.

  • yarissa maldonado

    yarissa maldonado


    I highly recommend French Tulip. They have a flawless presentation-just as described. Price is very competitive and deliveries and on time. I had a little inconvenient and next day they solved my issue with a promptly manner. Having a good customer service is very essential and they have A+ on this too. I definitely recommend to anyone. Classy and chic flower arrangement. Will use them again.

  • Edwin Giovanni De Jesús

    Edwin Giovanni De Jesús


    Alright! So it's Valentine's Day, and you know this is the ultimate test for a flower shop. First let's get the only minor inconvenience I had out of the way: Due to the volume of orders, they didn't answer the phone on this day. All in all, that's understandable. However, if you're someone who worries like me, all I can say after today is that you can trust they'll deliver on time. Now, on to the good: My significant other received her flower arrangement at her workplace super on time and the presentation was just flawless and beautiful. It's even better than I expected, from the pictures on their website. They really excel in presentation, I have to say. I'll just let this picture do the talking and end with saying thank you SO much, French Tulip! You came through, and that's what matters most on Valentine's Day. ❤️🔥

  • Kelly Coffey

    Kelly Coffey


    If you are going to order from here, I highly recommend asking for Alexandra M., the manager, as she is amazing. She's professional, kind, cares about her business' reputation and the quality assurance of every single order. I really appreciate Alexandra's help with everything, she came through for us. If it weren't for her, I couldn't leave a good review for this business, but she is five-stars excellent manager and for customer service, without her, I don't think this business could survive. THANK YOU, Alexandra, for coming through. We really appreciate your help!!

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