Zuazo i San Juan

Puerto RicoZuazo



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257, Avenida Ingeniero Manuel Domenech, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-759-7790
internet side: www.zuazosanjuan.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.414502, Longitude: -66.06256

kommentar 5

  • Yannick Kramm

    Yannick Kramm


    I ordered flowers while sitting in Switzerland and they were delivered within hours. Very pretty and also superb quality; they were beautiful for more than two weeks. Would definitely chose Zuazo again when ordering flowers for San Juan.

  • peter velazquez

    peter velazquez


    Great exelente service

  • Julie De Grandy

    Julie De Grandy


    Zuazo was recommended by someone from Puerto Rico and they did not disappoint. I called since I wanted to send an important bouquet of flowers from the United States to be delivered in Puerto Rico. They are great professionals that deliver first class service. Their flower arrangements look like they cost a lot more than what you pay for. They are just divine! Their customer services is exquisite, the employees are very nice people that go out of their way to make sure that you are satisfied. Like most of us, I rarely have time to write reviews, but I made an effort this time because I was so impressed with the service from Zuazo. Zuazo is really first FIRST CLASS… I highly recommend them!

  • Sharon Low

    Sharon Low


    I ordered, online, a beautiful arrangement with white flowers and succulents and lots of greenery for the funeral of a friend in Puerto Rico (a man). I received a picture of the flowers and the arrangement looked NOTHING like what I ordered! It was full of pink flowers and not a single succulent was to be found on the arrangement! This looked like a beautiful arrangement for a woman, not for a man’s funeral. So disappointed.

  • Ellen Chinea

    Ellen Chinea


    Amazing talented artists ! I called from NY and coordinate a family members funeral and and the result was amazing .The staff was so helpful and knowledgeable. They coordinated with funeral home allowing the family to attend other matters. The quality of the flowers and artistic design was amazing. Thank you.

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