Cinderella's Floristeria i San Juan

Puerto RicoCinderella's Floristeria



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Condiminium El Centro II, 26 Avenida Luis Muñoz Rivera #500, San Juan, 00918, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-754-6248
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.417228, Longitude: -66.057553

kommentar 5

  • Kiara Reyes

    Kiara Reyes


    I ordered flowers for mother’s day, two weeks prior to the occasion. Mind you, they were $45 (plus $15 delivery fee) at the time... a week later, the employee, Milton, calls me and tells me that he has to charge me $70 instead because it’s Mother’s Day and the prices increased. He charged my card $77! Do yourself a favor and take your business elsewhere!

  • Angelica Bermudez

    Angelica Bermudez


    The owner had Great service skills and my sister was happy all that matters 😃 so I’m satisfieds.

  • en

    Zulma Santiago


    Really nice and pleasant atmosphere, this people do love flowers and make really detailed bouquets, even strguling with Island Power problem they find the way.

  • es

    Francisco Esquivel


    Son las 6 de la tarde y la persona jamás recibió las flores .

  • es

    Alberto Carrasquillo


    Muchas Gracias, por hacer todo lo posible para que el arreglo llegara el mismo día. 1) Total comunicación 2) Buen Servicio 3) Amabilidad 4) Disponibilidad Espero algún día or personalmente y agradecerles.

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