Cinderella's Flower Shop i San Juan

Puerto RicoCinderella's Flower Shop



🕗 åbningstider

Condiminium El Centro II, 26 Avenida Luis Muñoz Rivera #500, San Juan, 00918, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-754-6248
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.417228, Longitude: -66.057553

kommentar 5

  • Kiara Reyes

    Kiara Reyes


    I ordered flowers for mother’s day, two weeks prior to the occasion. Mind you, they were $45 (plus $15 delivery fee) at the time... a week later, the employee, Milton, calls me and tells me that he has to charge me $70 instead because it’s Mother’s Day and the prices increased. He charged my card $77! Do yourself a favor and take your business elsewhere!

  • Angelica Bermudez

    Angelica Bermudez


    The owner had Great service skills and my sister was happy all that matters 😃 so I’m satisfieds.

  • en

    Zulma Santiago


    Really nice and pleasant atmosphere, this people do love flowers and make really detailed bouquets, even strguling with Island Power problem they find the way.

  • en

    Alvin Sepulveda


    Very professional. Beautiful arrangement with fresh flowers that arrived on time. My best experience among others!

  • Daniel Sousa

    Daniel Sousa


    This place is amazing. Being in California , and needing sympathy flowers without knowing what to order. The staff made a gorgeous arrangement for me better than 1800-Flowers. They are the best caring florist I have yet to deal with. From the bottom of my heart I thank all the staff at Cinderales florist for a job well done. Que dios los bendiga!

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