Embassy Suites by Hilton San Juan Hotel & Casino i Carolina

Puerto RicoEmbassy Suites by Hilton San Juan Hotel & Casino



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8000, Tartak St, 00979, Carolina, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-791-0505
internet side: embassysuites3.hilton.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.439614, Longitude: -66.021883

kommentar 5

  • Haydar Kiran

    Haydar Kiran


    Very good hotel. Large rooms. Great location. They serve a free breakfast in the morning and have a cocktail hour in the evening.

  • lydia dross

    lydia dross


    Best cleaning crew. Pool is exceptionally clean however, too cold to swim in. Jacuzzi too hot to sit in. Excellent breakfast and evening reception. Great salsa music. Great gift shop/deli. The deli food taste better than the steakhouse. Steak house food is awful, old and over cooked and very small portions for the high menu price. It is always empty. One. The restaurants also on site has excellent food . a little pricey, but worth it may be one or two nights. Excellent parking. 20.00 a night . price us very good that includes break fast, evening reception. Place is always packed. But I can always get a room. Lovely atmosohete2. Peaceful.

  • Mustafa Zain

    Mustafa Zain


    Few things to consider: 1. There is some construction going on after the hurricane damages. 2. Parking is charged extra $20 a night Other than that, this is a standard Embassy suites with good service and amaneties. Everything is in working condition (after the hurricane).

  • Rosalie Olander

    Rosalie Olander


    This was the perfect place to stay in our last night in Puerto Rico. Less than 10 minutes from the airport and the building contains everything you might need. However I wouldn't stay here purely for vacation. The streets nearby are congested and other areas are more beautiful. But the rooms are luxurious.

  • Nilsia Beato

    Nilsia Beato


    The food was excellent. Very clean and workers were very sweet and always helpful. Everything was great and definitely for our next vacation we're staying here!

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