La Concha Renaissance San Juan Resort i San Juan

Puerto RicoLa Concha Renaissance San Juan Resort



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1077, Avenida Doctor Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-7500
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.45726, Longitude: -66.074181

kommentar 5

  • Neil Basabe

    Neil Basabe


    We wait for 10 minutes to be attended at a table in the lobby bar. We moved to the bar and there were 18 more minutes. We asked for 2 margaritas since was May 5, and I received an ice cone with margarita flavor, all ice and almost no liquor. The sliders were unsavory and that was definitely not brisket meat. We moved to the casino and then we were treated as human beings. Sorry, but we will not be coming back any time soon.

  • Rachel Cooper

    Rachel Cooper


    Wonderful Hotel, Sneaky Staff BE WARY: They will take your money and with the hopes that you do not notice. I had over $130 charged to my card for unauthorized tips. When I noticed these $4 and $5 gratuity charges on my breakfasts bill, I asked the front desk to see the receipts of the tips, which they were able to pull. Front desk and I both verified that there were no tips added to the bill (i leave all tips in cash). And that the waiters/waitresses did in fact add their own tips to the bill WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION. Please make sure you review your check out bill thoroughly. $5 here and there add up, especially if you have long stays (I stayed >30 nights). To be positive: The hotel is beautiful inside and out. It has four pools (2 main 1 adult, 1 child), and the beach is right out the back door. Big gym, with cycling room, and plenty of equipment. Housekeeping is great and do a thorough job of cleaning rooms, and maintaining cleanliness throughout community areas. Multiple restaurants to choose from inside, and right along the strip.

  • en

    Kelly Federico


    Loved it here!! The staff here are simply wonderful. They care for your every need and seem sincere. The customer experience is one of delight. They don't make me feel like I'm bothering them. The rooms are beautiful and very clean. So many different places to sit and eat and drink and still see the beautiful ocean.

  • en

    Jason Hynds


    My room was a well laid out suite. It had enough of everything for working, relaxing, cooking, lounging, entertaining. Greats pools. Useful Business Centre. Good proximity to the PR Conference Centre. Good proximity to other areas of entertainment and cultural/historical interest. Staff were responsive to fixing my minor requests. Breakfast was enjoyable. There were sweet tamarinds everyday!

  • Miguel Chion

    Miguel Chion


    Beautiful hotel, if you get the ocean view room you would have the most beautiful view. The bar and pools are also fantastic. I would give it 5 stars if the staff were nicer. They should be smiling and greeting people more. Some of them didn't even responded when i said hi. Not a big deal but it would be nice if they do.

nærmeste Kasino

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