FX Hair Studio i San Juan

Puerto RicoFX Hair Studio



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1500, Calle 30 S O, 00921, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-409-8439
internet side: m.facebook.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3978836, Longitude: -66.0887369

kommentar 5

  • elines acevedo

    elines acevedo


    The two 5 star reviews must bw employees or friends. I came in with hair down to my waist and wanted a long cut about breast length with shorter layers in the back. I came out with an ugly bob floating 3 inches above my shoulder. Kept telling the guy he was going too short and he just kept cutting to "even things out" and you know what? It's still uneven! Even the conditioner or some product they used broke me out pretty much immediately. Came home to wash my hair and cry. I can't believe they still charged me even after he acknowledged "que se le fue la mano" y "me corto una pulgada de mas". One inch my ass! More like half a foot! I really hope it grows out fast. I feel so ugly now 😭

  • Eunice Rivera

    Eunice Rivera


    Best Service and very professional. Love it!

  • jose torron

    jose torron


    This places it's five stars in service. It's good for nice hair cuts, blower, tip, nails, all dominions. My wife have a nice looking star. when you leave FX studio it comes out beautiful.

  • Sylvia López

    Sylvia López


    Excellent place, service, etc....

  • Leila Rodriguez

    Leila Rodriguez


    Love this place. No matter what they do to my hair it causes a sensation. I always come out happy.

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