Mimosas Hair Salon and Nail Spa i San Juan

Puerto RicoMimosas Hair Salon and Nail Spa



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780, Avenida San Patricio, 00921, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
internet side: m.facebook.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3974432, Longitude: -66.0958501

kommentar 5

  • Kay R

    Kay R


    This place is digusting. Had to redo my nails TWICE and still wasn’t a good job , $25 PLUS another $7.50 ? Unacceptable ! Guy wanted to lock the doors once we refused the job wasn’t worth the money. Was there for 5 hours and service was just terrible ! Doesn’t deserve one star .

  • Claudia Padilla

    Claudia Padilla


    Do NOT waste your time! HORRIBLE service, very unprofessional and not the cleanest place either. RUN AWAY!

  • Sara Wilson

    Sara Wilson


    Run! In the opposite direction. This place is dirty and the employees are disgruntled which shows in the quality of their work. They over book and only have one pedi chair. Came with with a coupon offer and it was not worth it. I guess you get what you pay for. It doesnt even deserve one star.

  • Eli Méndez

    Eli Méndez


    Don't go here Guaranteed to get a bad nail job

  • Alexandra Waterman

    Alexandra Waterman


    What a find! This is a small neighborhood treasure, the staff is attentive and does phenomenal work AND the prices are reasonable! The colorist is sublime and my mani/pedi left me with the softest feet since I learned to walk.

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