Greengos i San Juan

Puerto RicoGreengos



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310, Calle Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-705-2530
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4654615, Longitude: -66.113539

kommentar 5

  • Ann McLemore

    Ann McLemore


    We came here late night so it was great that they were open until midnight on a Sunday. We’re both vegetarian, so their tofu mix that can be subbed in any dish was a great addition and it was delicious. It’s pretty touristy, if you can stomach that.

  • Paul K

    Paul K


    A great nighttime spot for drinks and snacks, excellent selection of tequila and first class margaritas. I had the fajitas which were also very tasty. It's a bit dead in the day time but comes alive at night.

  • Lindi C

    Lindi C


    Great service, music and Mexican food. Nice ambiance and off the main drag a bit. Highly recommended for a solid meal.

  • Fernando J De Jesús

    Fernando J De Jesús


    Me encantó, los empleados son un amor y la muchacha es hermosa, wow. Bien organizado, la decoración es muy linda y el servicio fue rápido. Lo recomiendo 👌👌 (Prueben los nachos)

  • Ian Fenwick

    Ian Fenwick


    Mexican themed restaurant in the heart of old San Juan, very unique and a little comical paying homage to the Mexican culture of recognizing dead ancestors. I had the burrito and a coke. Worth if for an affordable bite to eat and a beer.

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