Al Fresco Rooftop Wine Bar i San Juan

Puerto RicoAl Fresco Rooftop Wine Bar



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156, Calle Sol, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 939-599-5011
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Latitude: 18.4667106, Longitude: -66.1168259

kommentar 5

  • Aurora Wells

    Aurora Wells


    I ordered a glass of wine half an hour ago and I’m still waiting for it. One extra star for the white macaws on a neighboring rooftop. Will update if drink arrives.

  • Heather Boeckman

    Heather Boeckman


    I think the positive reviews are paid for. Don't waste your time here. Terrible service, terrible food, over priced, mediocre drinks. It's a wine bar and they had a poor selection. Then the staff didn't even know about the wine.. That was the second best part of my experience. The first best was location.

  • Nancy Cahn

    Nancy Cahn


    This place could be so great, but their service was terrible for everyone, so much that people left. It was nice being on the rooftop. The manager said she can't find staff. We heard people say the food was good. If not for being on the roof, it wouldn't have been worth waiting about 45 min for a sangria. Second one we just walked up to the bar

  • Michael Valeron

    Michael Valeron


    Frituras came out hot and tasty. Ordered the small and it was than enough for two people. Drinks were good and even gave us the extra in a small cup. Would come back.

  • Dana Mayo

    Dana Mayo


    An average experience for a superb location! My stuffed chicken was tacos were good.. Appetizer was bland......cocktails decent..lil pricey as well. I didnt feel like they were glad to have our patronage...No mistreatment....nor issues at all. I had a high expectation that was not met. Just my experience may be different for you if you choose to patronize the establishment.

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