La Masa Pizzería Conceptual i San Juan

Puerto RicoLa Masa Pizzería Conceptual



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100, Calle San Sebastián, 00901, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.4669622, Longitude: -66.1183589

kommentar 5

  • N. S.

    N. S.


    Great bar and great music! Thank you Tala for a great experience! My husband and I were walking through old San Juan trying to find a chill bar to hang out at. This was definitely chill and had great vibes! Would definitely recommend to anyone!

  • Coral Cotto

    Coral Cotto


  • Tala Laswell

    Tala Laswell


    One of my new favorite eateries in Old San Juan! The pizzeria is located on a beautiful street upon the hill on Calle Cristo, with rustic decor and a lovely patio. There is also a spacious dining room and a bar where you can also dine. The staff was friendly and attentive —I’m in love with this place! A wide selection of wines are available as well as extra cold beers and a full bar — can’t ask for more! And then of course the pizzas! I love that they offer a choice of “masa” (dough); so far I have tried the sesame, jalapeño and basil doughs, all equally delicious! The size is also just right — one pie was enough for my boyfriend and I. I also commend the chef for trying something different with the toppings, such as the Pumpkin pizza with asparagus, Serrano ham and pecorino cheese and the Hummus pizza with roasted eggplant, Kalamata olives, goat cheese and roasted garlic. They also offer the classics: pepperoni, their version of the meat lover, a pesto option, and Margherita. The crust is nice and thin and crispy how I like it. Coming from NYC I love my pizza so am ecstatic to have this gem in the neighborhood!

  • Linken Olsen

    Linken Olsen


    They are fairly new and knocking it out of the park. Great food and service. I’m coming back next time I’m in San Juan. Amazing!

  • Jeziel Ortiz

    Jeziel Ortiz


    Con estilo Contemporáneo, ambiente familiar y meseros sumamente amables. La comida es sabrosa, de gran calidad e innovadora. Si te das la vuelta por San Juan no te vayas sin darte esta oportunidad gastronómica. Escoge la masa de la pizza y disfruta de los sabores.

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