Casa Cortés ChocoBar i San Juan

Puerto RicoCasa Cortés ChocoBar



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210, Calle San Francisco, 00901, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-0499
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Latitude: 18.465632, Longitude: -66.115556

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ginger Jones


    We we're on a taste of Puerto Rico day tour four years ago. This was one of many wonderful and delicious stops. I feel as if not for that tour we never would have experienced this place. So glad we did!

  • Sharmistha Datta

    Sharmistha Datta


    The staff was extremely nice to us. Gave us plenty to try from and then answered all our questions with patience.. They were suggesting things off the menu to try... The alcoholic chocolate drinks are amazing! A must try is the red wine with chocolate!

  • en

    brian calidonio


    The menu was good and the food was pretty great with their chocolate theme. Service was really slow here though. It's our last meal in PR so time is a bit limited. We enjoyed it though. It's worth a try for sure.

  • Adam Hershberger

    Adam Hershberger


    Delicious and creative chocolate infused drinks and food dishes! There are also plenty of savory dishes without chocolate, if you're not a chocoholic like myself. Clean and cozy atmosphere too. Over the past couple weeks, my partner and I visited 4 times. Highly recommended!

  • Arcelia Gallardo

    Arcelia Gallardo


    Any place that has desserts for breakfast is good in my book! It’s all about expectations: it’s great for good service, a coffee, eggs, waffles, sandwiches, sweets, spacious clean seating, and learning about cacao and chocolate. If you are a chocolate connoisseur, it’s still a great place to visit because their space pays homage to cacao and chocolate. But the chocolate itself is comparable to a high end Hershey’s. Which is a shame considering they have access to some of the best cacao in the world. I highly recommend a visit, I stop by anytime I’m in town.

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