Tropical Taste Restaurant i San Juan

Puerto RicoTropical Taste Restaurant


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156, Calle del Cristo, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-1458
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Latitude: 18.4653015, Longitude: -66.1181916

kommentar 5

  • Yair Verdejo-Torrecilla

    Yair Verdejo-Torrecilla


    This place is hidden behind a gift shop but was definitely worth searching for. They had a mojito special going on that day and they were very refreshing. The food is also excellent! Was surprised by how good their pernil was because I’m picky about it. If you’re looking for authentic Puerto Rican food you have to go here!

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    Kayla K


    This place was a hidden gem. There were vegetarian options for my boyfriend- even a (delicious) vegetarian mofongo! The food was delicious- we spent the entire meal talking about how good it was. It was moderately pricey, but average for being in Old San Juan. Highly recommend.

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    James gamble


    Has different styles of food to offer i recommend the goat very friendly staff

  • James Nielson

    James Nielson


    Delicious. Great little restaurant. You enter from the street and walk through a small store to get to the restaurant. My kids all found food off the kids menu that they enjoyed. I would definitely go back.

  • Erick Gomez

    Erick Gomez


    Excellent service and a great environment!!! The food, delicious!!!! We came back in the same day for more !!!! Lol

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