Hotel Villa Del Sol Hotel i Carolina

Puerto RicoHotel Villa Del Sol Hotel


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4, Calle Rosa, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-791-2600
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Latitude: 18.4431536, Longitude: -66.015813

kommentar 5

  • Brienne Kao

    Brienne Kao


    A great little spot near the Airport. Walking to pretty much everything you need. Cute little patio to enjoy the weather and a nice pool. Rooms are basic but clean.

  • Han Kao

    Han Kao


    This was a wonderful resort that only sustained some minor cosmetic damage from the hurricanes. The location is just a short 5 min walk to two beach areas and has a pool on site if you just want to spend a lazy day. Staff is very helpful and bilingual. Would visit again when we come back to puerto rico!

  • en

    Philip Swede


    Room was very nice. Location was a bit out of the way, but cozy. Great friendly service, and a good atmosphere. Only complaint is that there is no elevator or luggage carta which was hard to be without since we had many heavy bags.

  • en

    Ron Swede


    Nice Old World charm. Clean rooms but very dated decor. Friendly and caring staff.

  • Sarit Chatterjee

    Sarit Chatterjee


    Very good location but a very small and old building

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