InterContinental San Juan i Carolina

Puerto RicoInterContinental San Juan



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5961, Avenida Isla Verde, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-791-6100
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4430403, Longitude: -66.019884

kommentar 5

  • Monica Faucette

    Monica Faucette


    The pool is huge and kept nice and clean. Lots of lounge chairs. The beach is nice, also with ample lounge chairs and umbrellas available. The service was impeccable. The hotel rooms are old and worn, but functionable and clean. Our family had a very enjoyable stay. You can see the impact the hurricane had, but we highly recommend vacationing here.

  • en

    Mariangeli Lugo Zayas


    Great place to stay. Service is excellent, the view is breathtaking, everything inside looks clean and neat. Might be a little bit over the budget, but remember that this hotel is placed right in the middle of nightlife, is centric to plenty of activities on the metro area, the airport is just around the corner, it is Isla Verde after all: things are pricey on the neighborhood. Still, if you can manage that, it is a perfect place yo stay. Is also relaxed inside and it has a pool AND beach, whatever your preference is.

  • en

    Breyone Murphy


    Although Puerto Rico is still recovering, we are having a great time. The hotel is very clean. Staff extremely nice. The pool and beach are very clean, nice, and relaxing. Places for necessities are in walking distance. There is power. The tourist areas are fully functional. Some outside places did not have the connection to use debit and credit. But, we enjoying our stay!!!!

  • Nelson Baziuk

    Nelson Baziuk


    We stayed at this hotel for 2 night's on a stop over before a Cruise Vacation. We were amazed on how much work they did to make this Grand Hotel look good after the Hurricane last fall. Great service, view, location and beach. The staff were first class!! We will go back to this island and visit longer in the future.! Nelson Baziuk.

  • Michaela Schuegner

    Michaela Schuegner


    Clubzimmer haben eine eigene kleine Terasse. Ein kostenloses Frühstücksbuffet, sowie Happy Hour mit Appetizer, Wein und Bier sind inbegriffen. Gut ausgestattetes Fitnesscenter mit Meerblick.

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