Il Postino Miramar i San Juan

Puerto RicoIl Postino Miramar



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652, Avenida Juan Ponce de León, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-945-9981
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4562893, Longitude: -66.0846109

kommentar 5

  • en

    Idangeline Herranz


    Good food. Excellent service. Valet parking.

  • Zoe Cuevas

    Zoe Cuevas


    Just got out of there, and for starters the sangria were 8$ the glass for a low content of alcohol. It was so watery that it tasted like Caprisun and it might be safe enough for minors. This kind of sangrias are probably premade and watered down, which makes me think that the restaurant is there for fancy looks and lacks quality. The pasta, as my boyfriend said, he has an uncle thats italian and he has only had real Italian food. He says that this food is the kind the would use to feed dogs. Dogs don't even deserve this. It lacked flavor, it was bland and boring. It's just a place for people who go there to talk about work and are so distracted that they forget how bad is the food they are serving. Overpriced mediocrity.

  • Rico Suave

    Rico Suave


    Great restaurant, small but excellent bar and wonderful food. Have dinner outside on the patio or just a nice wine and enjoy the PR weather.

  • en

    John R Sisario


    Had some delicious lasagna for dinner there. It was a healthy and very tasty portion. Very good wine list and priced right.

  • Arq. Ramon Perez-Gatell

    Arq. Ramon Perez-Gatell


    Una pena que la calidad no esté a la par con el lugar tan maravilloso. El mozo empezó muy simpático y después de un rato no había manera de que nos hiciera caso. Pedimos el salmón y la verdad es que no estaba mal pero acompañado de vegetales congelados de los que compra uno en el supermercado??? Por $23?? El chef cómo se atreve?? Ni en Ponderosa sirven eso. La música de fondo era excelente pero el ruido en general era muy alto. No creo que vuelva. Se me olvidó añadir que el café no me impresionó nada. Una pena.

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