Ocean Club i San Juan

Puerto RicoOcean Club



🕗 åbningstider

1149, Puerto Rico 25, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-430-0827
internet side: instagram.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4516222, Longitude: -66.0755475

kommentar 5

  • otipoliny bonyCruz

    otipoliny bonyCruz



  • Jamel Banks

    Jamel Banks


    Good club

  • Ruben De Jesus

    Ruben De Jesus


    Great hospitality and great service and the food was amazing and drinks we're awesome. The owner was incredibly friendly and helpful.

  • Rachael DeLeon

    Rachael DeLeon


    Went with my best friend on her birthday. The place itself was a bit dead. There was music playing but I’m pretty sure we were the only ones making any type of movement 🤣 but then again it was kinda empty sooooo it could’ve just been that. The prices were definitely higher than your average PR hang out but we’re from New York and higher prices are normal. It was cool. Music was cool. Service was quick. Lots of spots to take cool pics.

  • Randy Emanuel

    Randy Emanuel


    Nice bartenders cool place to chill and drink+Fun

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