District San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoDistrict San Juan



🕗 åbningstider

802, Avenida Roberto H. Todd, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4473464, Longitude: -66.0767445

kommentar 5

  • Lavish Luxury Boutique

    Lavish Luxury Boutique


    Very lame and disrespectful staff. Doesn’t matter how much you spend or where you’re from. The city is very poor and underdeveloped. This is completely behind the times with club rules, security, music, and dancer selection. This is truly the ghetto.

  • Donnell Halford

    Donnell Halford


    This was a Great Night on a Wednesday. We paid $5 to park in the lot around the corner and it would've been $10 to do Valet on the Block of the Club. It was $20 per person to get in the Club for Men and Women. They had Hookah for $28. The Bar took Credit Card. The DJ played Hip Hop music and We had a Great time Dancing and Tipping. The Club stayed open until 5am.

  • Antonio Morey Martin

    Antonio Morey Martin


    Nice eye candy. Good atmosphere, great music

  • Cecilia Cooke

    Cecilia Cooke


    Amazing experience and beautiful talented girls. I HIGHLY recommend for a fun night out.

  • portocupones SA

    portocupones SA


    Charge all my cards without my consent and taking money from the ATM, charging multiple times making the customers thinks is not going through, got charge all my cards two and three times until go through. $1800 in one $500 another one $800 another one. Be careful while going to this place.

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