Frenchy's Next Level Gentlemen Club i San Juan

Puerto RicoFrenchy's Next Level Gentlemen Club



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Callejón De Los Reyes, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-3650
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.452379, Longitude: -66.0772872

kommentar 5

  • Bill Nguy

    Bill Nguy


    Frenchy's seems to be the best place our of all the other clubs from my research. Ask for Eddy! He treated me very well and brought me drinks and the girls. I will definitely be back next time in Puerto Rico! :)

  • Isaac Berrios Villanueva

    Isaac Berrios Villanueva


    Worse night club ever. Can’t get any worse. Nicole, promises anything to get you to pay. After you pay, she won’t do (litarelly) anything. She’ll just argue why she won’t do what she did promise and why she’ll still take ALL your money Not worth even a penny. Frenchys is so bad just because this woman. Nicole should be fired now

  • Renee Roberts

    Renee Roberts


    Club sucks.. They charge too much for cover, then make you buy drinks,then charge you to get dollar bills. Girls are not all that.

  • Jorge Vasquez

    Jorge Vasquez


    Bacano. Had to pipe the baddest one. Pila de cuero bori que tan buena no bulto. Uptown harlem shiii no wiri wiri.

  • Msa777 S

    Msa777 S


    Disgusting. I am not going to tell what was so upsetting, simply because I don't want this place to improve their business and make more money. The door guys behaved inappropriatly. How? Not the entrance fee or any regular procedures, etc. The places should pay for these complains, because when they know what is wrong, other people will get better service, the place will earn more money and I will get nothing. I advise this to do for all reviewers. Never tell in any review what you didn't like, unless they pay you.

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