Oasis Tapas & Lounge i San Juan

Puerto RicoOasis Tapas & Lounge



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6, Avenida Condado, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
internet side: www.facebook.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4566612, Longitude: -66.0712543

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Ortiz

    Anthony Ortiz


    Great staff and great food all near the beach. Relaxing environment for doing nothing during the day.

  • Paul Hobbs

    Paul Hobbs


    Sat at the bar during lunch hours. Food was good and staff was friendly.

  • Robert S

    Robert S


    The locals tend to be hustlers in all sense of the definition and will attempt to befriend you before the conning begins. If you're not willing to pay/play the game, they can become overly aggressive and violent. The bar staff/owners are very welcoming and the music is very gay gentrified like most cities in developed nations. Being the majority of San Juan is gay with plenty of men to be enjoyed, there's really no reason to have to feel obligated to go here in order to experience "gay life in the city." Truthfully, it's kind of a dump.

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    michael palmer


    It made me a liitle sad. Listen, different strokes for different folks i get that. it just wasn't my cup of tea for a thursday night. the people around me seemed to be having fun...

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    Er Les


    This bar has an outdoor patio and it is Ground Zero for the glbt community. It does get a bit crazy because when the fog starts rolling people disappear but it has a great dance floor and good music. We will definitely be back.

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