Don Rey Cigar i San Juan

Puerto RicoDon Rey Cigar



🕗 åbningstider

1348, Calle Roberts, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-241-8605
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4501311, Longitude: -66.0700388

kommentar 5

  • Raul Vazquez

    Raul Vazquez


    Excellent service, nice host, great for good conversations

  • en

    James Murray


    Great place although smaller than I expected. Great selection of cigars and nice bar, outside seating and will definitely be returning as I know where it is and how to get there. Historical part of the city one could spend the day or night wandering around the area. I felt fairly safe but it was Sunday p.m. have been told that the area is a little crazy at night but like anywhere else just watch your back.🤣😂🤔😋😎🇵🇷🇱🇷

  • C B

    C B


    Great selection of cigars. Full bar with hundreds of other bars in the same plaza.

  • Lewin Edwards

    Lewin Edwards


    This is a lovely little cigar lounge. Small selection of beers and liquor, but great sticks and a pleasant atmosphere. Depending on when you visit, you might need some Spanish to get along.

  • en

    Tony Reese


    Love this place! Walking distance from Doubletree San Juan (Condado). Lots of selection. Nice seating place for smoking onsite. Able to serve alcohol too.

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