Kuros Smoke Lounge - Call, We Deliver! i San Juan

Puerto RicoKuros Smoke Lounge - Call, We Deliver!



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1056, Ashford Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-985-0777
internet side: www.kurospr.com
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Latitude: 18.457473, Longitude: -66.075263

kommentar 5

  • Loit Ubiera

    Loit Ubiera


    The selection of cigars is poor and everything is over priced. Even for the area. Not to mention the attendant which will say anything to sell you a sick. Do your research before u go if you are looking for a cigar lounge there are better options.

  • Jordan Updike

    Jordan Updike


    With a fantastic selection of cigars and knowledgeable service, Kuros is a great place to stop in to grab a few sticks to smoke on the beach later.

  • Luis Rodriguez

    Luis Rodriguez


    Eeeexcellent customer service, they know thier cigars, 10/10.

  • Spencer Carson

    Spencer Carson


    It's a very nice set up inside but only a couple places to sit. Reasonable prices on drinks average price on hookah. Great guy who works there was very hospitable and helpful with other destinations to check out on the island.

  • يوسف يوسف

    يوسف يوسف


    This shop is a true first class cigar experience on every level. The staff is beyond welcoming and the selection of cigars has something for every taste. For hookah enthusiasts, you’ll find a great assortment of hookahs as well. AThey offer prime selections of beer, wine and spirits as well as non alcoholic selections. You have the impression you’re in someone’s living room; the seating is elegant and comfortable. There is great ventilation so you’re not overpowered by lingering smoke. If you’re looking for a place to relax and unwind, look no further. This is truly the best of the best in San Juan and beyond. Thanks guys for a great night and making me feel like I’m amongst friends.

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