Le Paris Esthetic i San Juan

Puerto RicoLe Paris Esthetic



🕗 åbningstider

1202, Avenida Magdalena, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-906-4429
internet side: www.leparisesthetic.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4550249, Longitude: -66.0720744

kommentar 5

  • es

    Christopher Candelario


    Excelente definitivamente volvere.

  • Galdenia Carvajal

    Galdenia Carvajal


    Perfect service. All you need about esthetic with the best of the attentions. The girls are very professional and the best quality products with an affordable price.

  • toni rose

    toni rose


    I came here with a special offer for a facial. The lady who serviced me was very nice and explained what she was doing, every step of the way. She made sure to ask if I was comfortable throughout the process. She spoke to me in English, since my Spanish is bad. I came out with my skin looking and feeling so smooth and soft! They even offer complimentary mimosas. I'm not sure what products they used on me, and kind of wish they offered to tell me what it was at the end. I saw that they sold products behind the desk. Anyway, overall it was a pleasant experience and I recommend it to others.

  • SaRa Cruz

    SaRa Cruz


    Excelente lugar... Aveces lo q lo dañan son las actitudes de las recepcionistas. Pero d lo demas es fabuloso sus servicios d facial.

  • July Dorrejo Mercedes

    July Dorrejo Mercedes


    Llevo 2 años visitando la estética, siempre el trato es de primera, me encanta cuando llega el día de ir, lo disfruto al máximo. Lo recomiendo 100%

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