Gold Elements Spa i San Juan

Puerto RicoGold Elements Spa



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315, Calle Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, US
kontakter telefon: +1 855-720-4653
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Latitude: 18.4656461, Longitude: -66.1134383

kommentar 5

  • en



    Excellent place. The people are so special. Love it.

  • en

    trey draughn


    Money well spent! Great store & I love my new Gold Elements products. My skin has never looked this nice EVER !!! Well worth it

  • Amura Anderson

    Amura Anderson


    I have been a loyal customer for almost 5 years now. I am so excited to try heir new line coming out "Aurarious". I have used all of their products! Yes I pamper myself & only buy the best (: Oh and their spa here is so luxurious & worth it !!!!!

  • en

    Leah Tal


    I'm in love with these products. They are paraben free and have a great smell, its very light and relaxing. I have very sensitive skin and my skin has had no problem with this line!!! Thanks so much for sharing your products !

  • en

    Patrica Light


    I tried the basic line here. The facial peel, cleanser and toner. I also got the nail kit, which is amazing for me since I am in the health field, and the salt and body butter!! best money I ever spent on skincare products.

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