Lips Gentlemen's Club i San Juan

Puerto RicoLips Gentlemen's Club



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113, Calle La Hija del Caribe, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-250-0571
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4178669, Longitude: -66.0576693

kommentar 5

  • Jordan Yesiaz

    Jordan Yesiaz


    Don’t listen to the bad Reviews I’m from Reno Nv and I come to this place and it’s amazing no lace to have fun first time and I have an amazing Experience totally recommend it 👌🏼

  • Allison Gallagher

    Allison Gallagher


    What a scam! Don’t believe them when they say that the doors open at 9. There are no dancers for hours, regardless of what they tell you at the door. You can kiss your cover charge goodbye.

  • Big #9

    Big #9


    Very expensive for what you get! $20 cover, $30 fully clothed lap dance, $10 drinks, 5 ladies, 3 were hot. No girls working the stage, and i got ignored the first half hour i was there.

  • Mohsin Ahmmed

    Mohsin Ahmmed


    Last night, I went to Lips. One of its girls, Glow(32 years old with a big tattoo on her leg)asked for $550 for all night sex at my hotel ($150 for house and $400 for her). We agreed on $450. I paid $450 to the manager. She came to hotel, started smoking, insisted to keep door open and demanded more money for sex. She said that $450 was for 2 hours dance not for sex. She then left and did not let me touch her with out paying her additional money. I went back to Lips, manager (white lady) was very rude, denied to return my money or credit my money to another girl. She told me that if I wanted another girl I needed to pay full amount again. What a ROBBERY. It felt to me that they will say anything to get your money. After you pay, the drama starts. Be careful, or try other clubs.

  • carlos cortes

    carlos cortes


    Awesome! ! Nice girls!! Anything you want!no pressure !! Great drinks.went 3 nights in a row during weekdays. Girls will do out calls also to hotels.if you looking for all nude dancers plus good company this is the place. Bouncer outside also keeps an eye out for your car.highly recommend this joint

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