Toccare i San Juan

Puerto RicoToccare



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239, Avenida Eleanor Roosevelt, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 786-806-1016
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4202361, Longitude: -66.0621539

kommentar 5

  • Tiffany Ruiz

    Tiffany Ruiz


    After trying to find a lit place for me and my girlfriends to hang out we came across this place on Google maps. Super fun, we got a table and hookah, had drinks and danced. Exactly what we were looking for with good music. We had a rental car might be hard to find with taxi

  • Edwin Perez Ayala

    Edwin Perez Ayala


    Great place for some hookaa and drinks and chicken and fries.

  • A Noel

    A Noel


    Food and hookah was good. DJ was great. Only problem was trying to get a uber back home so having a taxi number will come in handy

  • tiffany Jones

    tiffany Jones


    Came here on a Tuesday night during pandemic. Curfew was reinstated so the establishment had to close by 9pm. This place had great music. A mixture of hip hop, reggae, and reggaeton. Drinks are affordable. Hookahs are $20. The only con was the service when we first arrived. My group stood at door waiting for a staff member to acknowledge and seat us. Two staff members walked by. Finally I went to the bar and asked what was going on. The bartender explained that patrons come to bar n order hookah n drinks. It would have been nice if staff informed us of this especially because we were waiting by the entrance looking lost and confused. But in all this place has potential

  • Zaimary Aguilera

    Zaimary Aguilera


    Music was great, pool table, hookahs and vibesz are good! Bathrooms were incredibly smelly it was almost unbearable.

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