Máre St. Clair Hotel i Carolina

Puerto RicoMáre St. Clair Hotel



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6165, Avenida Isla Verde, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-791-5151
internet side: www.marestclair.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4443594, Longitude: -66.0171549

kommentar 5

  • iActivateHouston Houston

    iActivateHouston Houston


    Great experience, clean, safe, and easy access to the beach.

  • César Ruiz

    César Ruiz


    Killer view... Outdated Elevators. Pool was close due the pandemic. Our room got a modern chic feel.. European size studio..

  • Timothy Jones

    Timothy Jones


    Wonderful location and facility! Everything about the Mare St. Clair deserves a 5 star rating. They charge/hold ~$100 for damages and towels. Last year they never released the hold. I had to dispute it with my credit card company. Keep your receipt and ask for evidence the hold is cleared.

  • Heather Wragg

    Heather Wragg


    I come every year and 1 person always makes the trip perfect, Rico a wonderful man who has been with the hotel for years. He always is so friendly and welcoming. He make everyone young or old feel special . He goes out of his way for all guests. This hotel would be not as good without him.

  • HR 24

    HR 24


    DO NOT BUY THEIR CHARTER CLUB SERVICES. I REPEAT DO NOT BUY THEIR CHARTER CLUB SERVICES!!! It is a waste of your money, your time and only comes with hassles. They will tell you what you want to hear when they are pitching this service. Lather you up and tell you anything you want to hear. But once you leave they leave you out to dry. Brought this for me and my wife and we are still waiting for some one to get back to us about the simplest of questions. They ignore all types of communication. We have been waiting for 3 months for simple information that should have been given at the first try. All they do is blame one another and transfer you endlessly when you contact them by telephone. It is a waste of money and I definitely regret wasting any time of money on this.

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