Museo De Arte De Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoMuseo De Arte De Puerto Rico



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299, Avenida José de Diego, 00909, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-977-6277
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.448276, Longitude: -66.066284

kommentar 5

  • Pamela Felicie

    Pamela Felicie


    I love this place! It's my favorite musuem so far. I been a couple of times and it's amazing. The lady in the welcome area is obviously passionate about her work, and she explained how to best see the different exhibition and the layout of the musuem. They speak Spanish and English, the art description are also in Spanish and English. My favorite part is going to the kids area and garden. And the big mural about the "Plenas" of Puerto Rico and the area that hold old "Pantarcas"

  • Gerardo Serrano

    Gerardo Serrano


    Precio accesible. Es preferible visitarlo cuando tienen exposiciones nuevas y por tiempo limitado. En ocasiones realizan actividades para estudiantes y profesionales del campo artistico.

  • es

    Francisco Rivera


    Interesante concepto.. no comprendo su organizacion..

  • en

    Margarita Sola


    Great experience. We participated of their 2018 Family Day it was amazing. Greast coordination. The pleasure of guided tours. Exhibitions were fantastic. Art from Puerto Rico from the oldest to contemporay. I went with my daughter and we really enjoyed the visit.

  • Sheila Fox

    Sheila Fox


    What a fabulous place this is! Not only do they have three levels of fabulous art, it was Sunday and there was a Social Hour at 3 with complimentary beverages and a free concert at 4. Highly recommend a visit, you'll be glad you did!

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