Museum of Contemporary Art of Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoMuseum of Contemporary Art of Puerto Rico



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Av. Juan Ponce de León, esquina Ave. Roberto H. Todd, Parada 18, San Juan, 00910, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-977-4030
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.450064, Longitude: -66.074374

kommentar 5

  • Frank Acha

    Frank Acha


    In the heart of Santurce is located the historical building school Rafael De Labra, now Contemporary Art Museum. Excellent arts exhibitions for those whom enjoy art's.

  • Dada VFC

    Dada VFC


    Oh, my God! It seems to be another great and awesome contemporary art museum in a beautiful landscape, in a beautiful and very exotic town. Yes, I want to visit this art institution, for sure! Can you help me? Please? Anyone?! Bravo to the administrators, congratulations to that team of employees, they manage an amazing place! What a dream!

  • Will Cintula

    Will Cintula


    Great exhibits from real artists, community-oriented museum. Great exhibits and helpful staff. Come see, worth the visit.

  • Jake Stancato

    Jake Stancato


    Such a beautiful space. It’s small but worth it. The quality of exhibition and friendly docents made for a great experience. The scope of subject matter and expression was top notch.

  • Michael Ellison

    Michael Ellison


    I thoroughly enjoyed my visit but had expected a permanent exhibition as well as the probably unintentionally amusing one about gender fluidity and feminism. And it's probably better to let the work speak for itself than resort to a word such as epistimiology, among other instruments of obfuscation.

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