PJ's Pizzeria i San Juan

Puerto RicoPJ's Pizzeria



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1045, Avenida Doctor Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-332-0242
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Latitude: 18.4583661, Longitude: -66.07615

kommentar 5

  • Gigi Pietri

    Gigi Pietri


    It was delicious. From the rolls to the chicken wings in that good bbq sauce, and that's no my favorite, to the delicious pizza. Th environment was cozy and the people were wonderful. Thanks Brian and Javi.

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    If heaven had a pizza form PJs would have been the one to make it. Although I should let it be know the fact that I had been swimming before and was starving may make me biased or maybe it was just the plantains on our pizza. The food was delivered in a reasonable time to our table (given the fact I was with a large group and it was served hot together), the waiter was polite and happy to serve us, and most importantly everything was delicious. I will definitely be returning soon.

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    Jason Hulsey


    Pizza was under cooked, place had a smell of sewer venting into the dinning area.

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    Steve Bron


    Best pizza option in Candado. Feels like a pizzeria in NYC and the quality to match.

  • Jeannette Benito

    Jeannette Benito


    Great Italian food, best carrot cake, sonetimes long time to wait

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