Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoPuerto Rico


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San Juan, 00916, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.4655394, Longitude: -66.1057355

kommentar 5

  • LM



    My home town is all of Puerto Rico. From my birth place, Ponce, to my childhood, teen & adult years, my island is my pride & joy. Walking the streets of San Juan in my bare feet (especially when it rains, because the stone tiles are so polished from age & you will certainly fall if you are not careful!) & seeing the beauty & sights of my childhood will always give me joy. El Morro has age & beauty that just mystifies your mind. The decorations on the streets in Christmas, New Year & Reyes (6 of January) is worth the trip alone! I returned for December 2019 & January 2020 holidays with my "tween" grandsons & they couldn't believe their descendants came from such a Paradise! Our time there was magical & will be returning soon. We travelled in my rental car from San Juan to Arecibo, from Fajardo to Cataño, from El Yunque to Vega Alta & all in between. Please visit the island whenever you can. Give it love & treat it with kindness & respect so it is tgere for future regenerations!

  • Barra Cuda

    Barra Cuda


    Old San Juan has some of the most Beautiful Sunsets, coastal views, shopping, great food. The bike trail is awesome & Old Spanish Fort National Park is definitely worth the visit!

  • MasterJaywhy FromTheStreet

    MasterJaywhy FromTheStreet


    I love this place back to the future! It is worth the trip and you can use u.s dollars! It is a territory love the bakery and wish some signs have English in them. Other than that my stay was marvelous I speak a little Spanish so it is awesome!

  • WC Rout

    WC Rout


    So many things to do and see here. Great food, amazing history, natural beauty, and wonderful people.

  • RJ Olson

    RJ Olson


    This was a great visit, we knew people here that worked in the capital building and were able to get a private tour on the weekend we arrived then we went on the Baccardi Rum factory tour.

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