San Juan/Fernando Luis Ribas Dominicci Airport i San Juan

Puerto RicoSan Juan/Fernando Luis Ribas Dominicci Airport



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Lindbergh, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-741-3809
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4557662, Longitude: -66.0979534

kommentar 5

  • A Yeh

    A Yeh


    Basic airport.

  • Max Flanagan

    Max Flanagan


    If doing a connector flight to surrounding PR islands or even some of the Virgin Islands I would highly recommend taking a separate flight from here. They are much cheaper than the same flight would be from San Juan International and taxis run between both airports non-stop so the commute is very easy.

  • Nick Heinemann

    Nick Heinemann


    This location is not accurate for the testing center. The testing center is on the opposite side of the runway

  • Cristino Ruiz

    Cristino Ruiz


    @ Isla Grande Flying School

  • YaBudDee



    The airport is quite small with only 1 runway. It only holds some vending machines but it's a fine airport.

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