Puerto Rico State Health Department Departamento de Salud i San Juan

Puerto RicoPuerto Rico State Health Department Departamento de Salud


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1111, Avenida Teniente César Luis González, 00927, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-765-2929
internet side: www.salud.gov.pr
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Latitude: 18.3902697, Longitude: -66.0733677

kommentar 5

  • Francisco Fuentes

    Francisco Fuentes


    Just spend over an hour to have an operator hang up the call while I try to explain to her that I was being finned by mistake. This is the worst experience. Thanks for nothing Puerto Rico’s government and the department of health! Scammers.

  • Carmen Torres

    Carmen Torres


    Very poor work from the people you have working there, first I understand that the test I got was not the right one, but I was not told that I was going to get and icon in my email, thank god I have a sister that works in lab. and told me about the icon. You need to train them more on give information. And also they need to be a little nicer to people. Thank you

  • Roberto Hardouin

    Roberto Hardouin


    First, none one answer the 765-2929 phone number. Second, the web site to request the certificates (nacimiento, defunción, etc) did not work. I wrote an email explaining the situation and I am still waiting for the answer.

  • Sandra Dávila

    Sandra Dávila


    I'm chronic asthmatic and had sleep apnea that qualify like high risk. I'm 56 years old and disability for those conditions. Well I suppose to get a Covid Vaccine and I registered in Voces, Walgreens and Farmacia Vazquez but everybody tell is not my time for my age . It's not fair to wait so long to change the vaccinations phases.Please consider my position.I take care a double of anyone for my condition.Do it something and I appreciate it to answer me.Thanks.

  • Meredith Sledge

    Meredith Sledge


    I couldn't get a hold of anyone on the phone... So asking here! Does anyone know if you can get an ID NOW test to get into Puerto Rico from the mainland or does it have to be PCR? They are both molecular and that's all it says is required on their site but it's very vague as to which test and we don't want to get the wrong one.

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