Ralph's Food Warehouse Fajardo i Fajardo

Puerto RicoRalph's Food Warehouse Fajardo



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Calle Igualdad, 00738, Fajardo, Fajardo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-655-1096
internet side: www.ralphpr.net
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.328954, Longitude: -65.6608736

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Goodrich

    Kevin Goodrich


    Large open store, clean and bright. Good selection including a warehouse/bulk product section. Prices are a bit higher than Econo but if Econo doesn't have it Rapphs probably does.

  • en

    Hector Morales


    It's a very good place to get breakfast and lunch and your groceries and it has a holsale section.

  • en

    Sad BoyPR


    One of the best supermarkets in the island, produce and meat are top quality. Excellent prices and they sell on the bulk some items.

  • en

    Teirsa Alonso


    Best habichuelas con arroz I've ever eaten at a cafeteria. Cashiers are easily confused. Best aloe drinks in town. Bring your own bags. Lots of cheap melamine dishes and GREAT Christmas decorations. Bathrooms are tidy. Fish department smells okay. Large liquor selection. Bulk food center also attached.

  • George Velazquez

    George Velazquez


    Plenty of products to choose from to include fresh fruits and vegetables, poultry, meat and fish. As well as household necessities. There are enough cashiers to make your shopping experience easier.

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