Rodi Cargo Int'l Group i Carolina

Puerto RicoRodi Cargo Int'l Group



🕗 åbningstider

Victoria Industrial Park, Barrio Martin Gonzalez, Calle 3 Lote 2C, Carolina, 00987, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-647-1892
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.37823, Longitude: -65.9706902

kommentar 5

  • Morey Talbot

    Morey Talbot


    Expedient and attentive customer service.

  • Veronica Rivera

    Veronica Rivera


    The people that works there are very good and helpful

  • Pat Breen

    Pat Breen


    Five stars to Rodi Cargo. They organized my End to End full service move from Puerto Rico to Ireland. White glove service all artwork crated. Glass ware individually wrapped. Full 4 bedroom house move no glassware or any breakage in transit. Minor damage on assembly of one glass pane but Rodicargo accepted the cost of repair without debate. I have no complaints only praise for how they dealt with me from day one. From the time of arrival to how they packed and secured all goods and for the 6 weeks door to door delivery as promised. They removed all packing after delivery and left the house as they found it. Would recommend them to anyone on the island. They were a tiny bit more expensive than other local competitors but without a doubt for peace of mind and proper packing and service I wouldn't recommend going with anyone but them.

  • Melissa Kerr

    Melissa Kerr


    Moving to an island can present some challenges but Rodi Cargo made our move a breeze. We moved from CT to Puerto Rico and a good friend in Puerto Rico recommended Rodi Cargo to help us. We consolidated our home goods in Miami and had a fantastic experience with Lisandra, who took great care of our belongings. Rodi in Miami arranged everything for our things to be received, loaded onto a container and shipped to Puerto Rico. Once in PR, Aida stepped in to ensure that our belongings made it through the Department of Hacienda and were delivered to us in great condition. The moving team was on time, fast and clean. They helped us set up our furniture and removed all of our boxes! I would highly recommend Rodi Cargo.

  • Max Torres

    Max Torres


    Excellent service! Very professional, organized and on time. We are very pleased with the moving process.

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