Southern Self Storage i San Juan

Puerto RicoSouthern Self Storage



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227, Calle Betances, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 786-749-7091
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4478986, Longitude: -66.0517905

kommentar 5

  • Don



    New review: Recently sold to a new company and a useless website, jacked up the rate, cancelled the insurance, and no one will answer the phone. Old review: The staff is great and the location is secure and rarely too busy. I agree with the good comments of others. The biggest issue (nothing the staff can correct) is surprise increase in rates and with no notice. My monthly payment has increased twice since I've been renting here and both times there was no notice. But, even with a notice the increase doesn't really give me confidence I'll keep using them in the future.

  • Michael Meikson

    Michael Meikson


    The ExtraSpace building on Calle Betances is awesome -- clean, modern and spacious. Getting set up is a little inefficient and manual, when it seems like it should be a simple form and payment. But once you're through with it, the facility itself is great.

  • ariana rosario

    ariana rosario


    Wow! The level of professionalism and customer service is above and beyond. As an owner of a PA and Concierge Service Company, Extra Space Storage was amazing at setting up a unit for a client. Not only did they did all the paperwork within an hour but they upgraded his unit in less than 10 minutes. Nalia was an amazing agent!! Would definitely recommend to other cutomers!

  • Luis Rivera

    Luis Rivera


    Jorge was very professional and helpful in setting up a new contract to lease storage unit. He made it very easy for me to do it over the phone. Keep up the great work!!!

  • Ruthdany Nadal Nieves

    Ruthdany Nadal Nieves


    Extra Space Storage rates “Five-Stars” in my book. I have dealt with storage units in various cities, including different states and It was a very pleasant experience to reserve a unit, which was done online, and unit was ready as promised without surprises. The facility is very clean and well maintained.The staff is very helpful and knowledgeable. It is refreshing to have a customer-orientated service in regards to rental facilities.

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