Southern Self Storage i San Juan

Puerto RicoSouthern Self Storage



🕗 åbningstider

108, Calle Trinidad, 00917, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 786-607-2334
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.423797, Longitude: -66.049652

kommentar 5

  • Maria Diez

    Maria Diez


    Employees are always willing to help out customers with the best of actitutes. thank you Michelle

  • Andy Zeisky

    Andy Zeisky


    A clean location. Michelle was extremely pleasant and helpful. She provided excellent customer service and with a smile. The it should be.

  • Ines Ifarraguerri

    Ines Ifarraguerri


    excellent service! professional, courteous, taking the time to explain everything. easy, seamless process.

  • Carmen Jarvis

    Carmen Jarvis


    Delvin was great, helpful, thoughtful and knowledgeable. He helped us identify and decide the best space for our storage needs. The place is clean, illuminated and safe. The service was of excellence. I strongly recommend this place for your extra space storage. Thanks Delvin for making this experience a great one!

  • Sia Bella Rodriquez Palmer

    Sia Bella Rodriquez Palmer


    Excellent facility, very clean and accessible. The employees were very helpful and friendly about my questions regarding the services offered. I will definitely recommend this Company for any storage necessity. Good job guy’s, thank you! Regards

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