Rooms To Go - Plaza Las Americas i Hato Rey

Puerto RicoRooms To Go - Plaza Las Americas



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Calaf # 525 Esq Becerra, Esq Becerra, Hato Rey, PR 00918, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-764-6545
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4254255, Longitude: -66.0775602

kommentar 5

  • Tito



    We were welcomed by a friendly sales person who made herself available to us. The store is spacious and Covid-19 complaint. The selection was wide and worth checking out.

  • Alicia Ortiz

    Alicia Ortiz


    Excellent customer service but we need to wait for 45 days for the merchandise.

  • Alfonso Gomez

    Alfonso Gomez


    Went to buy a bedroom set for my granddaughter. Very good attention from the sales rep.

  • Loren OP

    Loren OP


    Unlike Mueblerias Berrios they do give you real-time dates of when the merchanside will arrive. No deceiving like Berrios.

  • Katherine Sanchez

    Katherine Sanchez


    They let you into a waiting area and an employee escort you to see exclusively you are looking for. No looking around😔

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